George Takei, an established actor, social justice activist, and social media mega-power visited UConn on the evening of November 5, 2014.
Preceding his speaking engagement with students and visitors to the Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts, Takei sat down to dinner with various leaders within student affairs, including staff and HESA students from an array of departments and cultural centers on campus.
HESA students provided guidance to student organizations involved with the event, aided in the overall planning of the evening, and acted as ambassadors of the institution during Takei’s visit.
The event was sponsored by the Asian American Cultural Center, Asian & Asian American Studies Institute, Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts, Division of Student Affairs, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Neag School of Education, Global Affairs, UConn Alumni Association, Community Outreach, Leadership Office, Residential Life, Rainbow Center, Puerto Rican Latin American Cultural Center, Women’s Center and the African American Cultural Center.